驱动程序开发中的新增功能What's new in driver development

本部分提供有关 Windows 10 中 Windows 驱动程序开发的新增功能和更新的信息。This section provides information about the new features and updates to Windows driver development in Windows 10.

下面列出了 Windows 10 中驱动程序开发的新增功能亮点。The following is a list of new feature highlights for driver development in Windows 10.

下表按驱动程序技术和版本列出了 Windows 10 中的功能更新。The following table shows the feature updates in Windows 10, by driver technology and version.

驱动程序Driver 19031903 18091809 18031803 17091709 17031703 16071607 15071507
AudioAudio 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用
ACPIACPI 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用
生物识别Biometric 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用
蓝牙Bluetooth 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details
总线和端口Buses and Ports 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
相机Camera 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details
手机网络Cellular 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
显示Display 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
驱动程序安全性Driver security 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用
硬件通知Hardware notifications 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用
人体学接口设备 (HID)Human Interface Device (HID) 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
内核Kernel 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用
位置Location 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details
移动宽带Mobile broadband 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用
近场通信Near Field Communication 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
网络Networking 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details
POSPOS 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用
PCIPCI 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用
PrintPrint 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details
脉宽调制Pulse Width Modulation 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用
传感器Sensors 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用
智能卡Smart Card 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
存储Storage 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
系统提供的驱动程序接口System-Supplied Driver Interfaces 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details
USBUSB 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 详细信息details
WI-FIWI-FI 详细信息details 详细信息details 详细信息details 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用
WLANWLAN 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 不可用 详细信息details 详细信息details

Windows 10 驱动程序开发中的新增功能What's new in driver development for Windows 10

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本部分提供 Windows 10 中驱动程序开发的新增功能亮点。This section provides highlights of new features for driver development in Windows 10.

WDK 支持 Visual Studio 2019。WDK supports Visual Studio 2019

适用于 Windows 10 版本 1903 的 Windows 驱动程序工具包 (WDK) 已更新,可以支持先前已宣布推出的 Visual Studio 2019。The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 10, version 1903, has been updated to support Visual Studio 2019 as previously announced. 但是,此 WDK 版本与 Visual Studio 2017 不兼容,开发人员可以通过旧版 WDK(在此处可以找到版本 1709 至 1809)继续使用 Visual Studio 2017。This release of the WDK is not compatible with Visual Studio 2017 however, developers can continue working with Visual Studio 2017 using the previous releases of the WDK, (releases 1709 thru 1809 found here). 若要了解 Visual Studio 2019 的新增功能,请查看此处的信息。To learn about what is new with Visual Studio 2019 please review the information here.

下面是 Windows 驱动程序开发人员在 Visual Studio 2019 中可以看到的几处显著更改。The following are a few items of notable changes in Visual Studio 2019 that Windows driver developers will see.

WDK GUI 驱动程序菜单已移动WDK GUI Driver Menu moved

在 Visual Studio 2019 中,WDK 驱动程序菜单已移到“扩展”菜单下,如下所示。In Visual Studio 2019 the WDK Driver menu has been moved to live under the Extension menu as seen below.

Visual Studio 2019 菜单的屏幕截图

Visual Studio 2017 中的 WDK 驱动程序菜单位于顶部菜单选项中,如下所示。The WDK Driver menu in Visual Studio 2017 is located in the top menu options as seen below.

Visual Studio 2017 菜单的屏幕截图

驱动程序模板可发现性Driver Templates discoverability

在 Visual Studio 2019 中,可在“项目类型”>“驱动程序”下发现 WDK 驱动程序模板。In Visual Studio 2019 the WDK Driver templates will be discoverable under Project Type, Drivers. 驱动程序项目类型将显示在 Visual Studio 2019 的第一个官方更新版本中。The Driver Project Type will appear in the first official update release of Visual Studio 2019. 到时,可以通过在搜索菜单中进行搜索,来发现驱动程序模板。Until then the Driver templates can be discovered by searching for them in the search menu.

Visual Studio 2019 驱动程序模板的屏幕截图

以前,在 Visual Studio 2017 中,可以在“新建项目”>“Visual C++”>“Windows 驱动程序”下找到 WDK 驱动程序模板,如下所示。The WDK Driver templates were previously found in Visual Studio 2017 under New Projects> Visual C++> Windows Driver as seen below.

Visual Studio 2017 驱动程序模板的屏幕截图

Windows 硬件开发人员中心仪表板Windows Hardware Dev Center dashboard

在 Windows 10 版本 1809 中,在硬件 API 方面,我们为开发人员、IHV 和 OEM 添加了新的和改进的功能,用于跟踪驱动程序包以及将其提交到 Windows 硬件仪表板。In Windows 10, version 1809, we added new and improved functionality in the way of Hardware APIs for developers, IHVs, and OEMs to track and submit driver packages to the Windows hardware dashboard.

使用发货标签 REST API 可以像分发驱动程序一样创建和管理发货标签。Use the shipping label REST APIs to create and manage shipping labels, the method by which you distribute your drivers.

使用异步自定义报告方法可以访问驱动程序错误和 OEM 硬件错误的报告数据。Use the asynchronous custom report methods to access reporting data for driver errors and OEM hardware errors. 可根据需要定义报告模板、设置计划,系统会定期向你传送数据。You can define reporting templates based on your needs, set a schedule and you will have data delivered to you at regular intervals.

开放发布Open publishing

我们正在努力使文档与社区活动更加相关。We're making the docs more community-driven. 在 Windows 驱动程序文档的许多页面上,你可以直接提出更改建议。On many pages of the Windows driver documentation, you can suggest changes directly. 在页面的右上角可以找到“参与”按钮。 Look for the Contribute button in the upper right corner of a page. 它如下所示:It looks like this:


单击“参与”时,会转到 GitHub 存储库中相关主题的 Markdown 源文件。 When you click Contribute, you'll arrive at the Markdown source file for that topic in a GitHub repository. 在此处可以单击“编辑”并提出更改建议。 You can click Edit and suggest changes right here.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅存储库中的 CONTRIBUTING.mdFor more details, see CONTRIBUTING.md in the repo. 感谢你花费时间来改进文档!And thanks for taking the time to improve the docs!

Windows 调试工具Debugging Tools for Windows

本部分介绍 Windows 调试工具中的更改。This section describes the changes in the debugging tools for Windows.

Windows 10 版本 1903 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1903

Windows 10 版本 1809 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1809

  • 新的调试器数据模型 API – 现已推出一个新的面向对象的调试器数据模型接口,该接口可使用 dbgmodel.h 标头支持调试器自动化。New Debugger Data Model API – A new object oriented debugger data model interface to support debugger automation is now available using the dbgmodel.h header. 调试器数据模型是一种可扩展的对象模型,它能够让新调试器扩展(包括 JavaScript、NatVis 和 C++ 中的扩展)使用来自调试器的信息并生成可从调试器及其他扩展访问的信息。The debugger data model is an extensible object model that is central to the way in which new debugger extensions (including those in JavaScript, NatVis, and C++) both consume information from the debugger and produce information that can be accessed from the debugger as well as other extensions. 可以在调试器的 dx 表达式计算器中以及从 JavaScript 扩展或 C++ 扩展访问写入到数据模型 API 的构造。Constructs which are written to the data model APIs are available in the debugger's dx expression evaluator as well as from JavaScript extensions or C++ extensions. 文档位置:调试器数据模型 C++ 接口概述dbgmodel.h 标头参考主题。Documentation will be available at: Overview of the Debugger Data Model C++ Interface and the dbgmodel.h header reference topics.

  • IPv6 - 我们将在 KDNET 中添加对 IPv6 的支持。IPv6 - We are adding support for IPv6 to KDNET. 为了给 IPv6 所需的较大标头留出空间,我们减少了数据包的有效负载大小。To make room for the larger headers required for IPv6, we decreased the payload size of packets. 因此,我们将会声明 KDNET 协议的新版本,使运行最新版调试器的主机电脑可用于调试仅支持 IPv4 的目标电脑。As a result, we’re declaring a new version of the KDNET protocol, so that host PCs running the latest version of the debugger can be used to debug target PCs that only support IPv4. https://aka.ms/windbgpreview 上提供了支持 IPv6 的 WinDbg 预览版。There is a version of WinDbg Preview available at https://aka.ms/windbgpreview that supports IPv6. 请关注“Windows 调试工具”博客来了解有关 KDNET IPv6 支持的最新信息,并参阅手动设置 KDNET 网络内核调试了解更多详细信息。Follow the Debugging Tools for Windows blog for updates on KDNET IPv6 support and see Setting Up KDNET Network Kernel Debugging Manually for more details.

Windows 10 版本 1803 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1803

WinDbg 预览版时光穿越调试 (TTD) 动手实验 - 此实验使用一个存在代码缺陷的示例小程序介绍时光穿越调试 (TTD)。WinDbg Preview Time Travel Debugging (TTD) hands on lab - This lab introduces Time Travel Debugging (TTD), using a small sample program with a code flaw. TTD 用于调试、识别问题及分析其根本原因。TTD is used to debug, identify and root cause the issue.

Windows 10 版本 1709 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1709

下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中调试器的新内容集列表:The following is a list of new content sets for the Debugger in Windows 10, version 1709:

Windows 10 版本 1703 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1703

下表显示了 Windows 10 版本 1703 中调试器的更改:The following table shows changes for the Debugger in Windows 10, version 1703:

新主题New topics 更新的主题Updated topics
JavaScript 调试器脚本JavaScript Debugger Scripting dtx(显示类型 - 扩展的调试器对象模型信息)命令dtx (Display Type - Extended Debugger Object Model Information) command
Bug 检查代码参考中 40 个未经阐述的停止代码40 undocumented stop codes in the Bug Check Code Reference 配置 tools.ini 主题做了更新,在命令行调试器的 tools.ini 文件中添加了更多选项Updates to the Configuring tools.ini topic with additional options in the tools.ini file for the command line debuggers
[!ioctldecode 命令](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/-ioctldecode)(https://docs.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/-ioctldecode) dx(显示调试器对象模型扩展)命令中的新命令功能New command capabilities in the dx (Display Debugger Object Model Extension) command

Windows 10 版本 1607 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1607

在 Windows 10 版本 1607 中,调试器的更改包括有关使用 WinDbg 调试 UWP 应用的新主题,并更新了 Bug 检查代码参考中 30 个查看次数最多的开发人员 Bug 检查主题。In Windows 10, version 1607, changes to the Debugger include a new topic about Debugging a UWP app using WinDbg, and updates to the 30 most-viewed developer bug check topics in Bug Check Code Reference.

Windows 10 版本 1507 中的调试Debugging in Windows 10, version 1507

下面是 Windows 10 版本 1507 中 Windows 调试器的新命令列表:The following is a list of new commands for the Windows Debugger in Windows 10, version 1507:

  • dx(显示 NatVis 表达式) - 使用 NatVis 扩展模型显示对象信息的新调试器命令。dx (Display NatVis Expression) - A new debugger command which displays object information using the NatVis extension model.
  • .settings - 在 Debugger.Settings 命名空间中设置、修改、显示、加载和保存设置的新命令。.settings - A new command that sets, modifies, displays, loads and saves settings in the Debugger.Settings namespace.

设备和驱动程序安装Device and Driver Installation

在 Windows 10 版本 1809 中添加了以下内容:In Windows 10, version 1809, the following content was added:

更新了以下内容:The following was updated:

驱动程序验证程序Driver Verifier

驱动程序验证程序包含以下技术的新驱动程序验证规则:Driver verifier includes new driver validation rules for the following technologies:

Windows 驱动程序框架 (WDF)Windows Driver Frameworks (WDF)

Windows 10 版本 1903 中的 WDFWDF in Windows 10, version 1903

在 Windows 10 版本 1903 中,Windows 驱动程序框架 (WDF) 包括内核模式驱动程序框架 (KMDF) 版本 1.29 和用户模式驱动程序框架 (UMDF) 版本 2.29。In Windows 10, version 1903, the Windows Driver Framework (WDF) includes Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) version 1.29 and User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) version 2.29.

有关这些框架版本的功能的信息,请参阅 Windows 10 中 WDF 驱动程序的新增功能For info on what's included in these framework versions, see What's New for WDF Drivers in Windows 10. 若要了解在旧版 WDF 中添加了哪些功能,请参阅 KMDF 版本历史记录UMDF 版本历史记录To see what was added in previous versions of WDF, see KMDF Version History and UMDF Version History.

通用 Windows 驱动程序Universal Windows drivers

本部分介绍 Windows 10 中通用 Windows 驱动程序的新增功能和已更新的功能。This section describes new and updated features for Universal Windows drivers in Windows 10.

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Windows 10 版本 1809 中的通用驱动程序Universal Drivers in Windows 10, version 1809

从 Windows 10 版本 1809 开始,Windows 支持灵活链接,可让你使用单个二进制文件来以 OneCore 和桌面 SKU 为目标。Starting in Windows 10, version 1809, Windows supports flexible linking, which enables you to use a single binary to target OneCore and Desktop SKUs. 若要启用灵活链接,请使用以下新的 SDK API:To enable flexible linking, use the following new SDK API:

此现有主题已得到增强,其中介绍了如何使用灵活链接来满足 DCHU 驱动程序设计原则的 U 要求:This existing topic has been enhanced to describe how to use flexible linking to comply with the U requirement of the DCHU driver design principles:

Windows 10 版本 1803 中的通用驱动程序Universal Drivers in Windows 10, version 1803

通用驱动程序入门中查看有关通用驱动程序的最新建议。See the latest recommendations for universal drivers in Getting started with universal drivers.

Windows 10 版本 1709 中的通用驱动程序Universal Drivers in Windows 10, version 1709

下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中通用驱动程序的新增功能列表:The following is a list of new features to Universal Drivers in Windows 10, version 1709:

  • 使用 Windows 更新来更新设备固件 - 介绍如何使用 Windows 更新 (WU) 服务更新可移动设备或机箱内部设备的固件。Updating Device Firmware using Windows Update - Describes how to update a removable or in-chassis device's firmware by using the Windows Update (WU) service.
  • Reg2inf - 驱动程序包 INF 注册表转换工具 (reg2inf.exe) 可将注册表项及其值或者用于实现 DLL RegisterServer 例程的 COM.dll 转换成一组 INF AddReg 指令。Reg2inf - The Driver Package INF Registry Conversion Tool (reg2inf.exe) converts a registry key and its values or a COM .dll implementing a DLL RegisterServer routine, into a set of INF AddReg directives. 这些指令包含在驱动程序包 INF 文件中。These directives are included in the driver package INF file.

下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中通用驱动程序的更新列表:The following is a list of updates to Universal Drivers in Windows 10, version 1709:

Windows 10 中的通用驱动程序Universal Drivers in Windows 10

从 Windows 10 开始,可以编写单个适用于基于 OneCoreUAP 的 Windows 版本的驱动程序。这些版本包括 Windows 10 桌面版(家庭版、专业版、企业版和教育版)、Windows 10 移动版和 Windows 10 IoT 核心版(IoT 核心版),等等。Starting in Windows 10, you can write a single driver that works on OneCoreUAP-based editions of Windows, such as Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education), Windows 10 Mobile, and Windows 10 IoT Core (IoT Core). 此类驱动程序称为通用 Windows 驱动程序。Such a driver is called a Universal Windows driver. 通用 Windows 驱动程序调用适用于 Windows 驱动程序的一部分接口。A Universal Windows driver calls a subset of the interfaces that are available to a Windows driver. 有关如何生成、安装、部署和调试适用于 Windows 10 的通用 Windows 驱动程序的信息,请参阅通用 Windows 驱动程序入门For information about how to build, install, deploy, and debug a Universal Windows driver for Windows 10, see Getting Started with Universal Windows drivers.

使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 生成通用 Windows 驱动程序时,Visual Studio 会自动检查驱动程序调用的 API 是否对通用 Windows 驱动程序有效。When you build a Universal Windows driver using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio automatically checks if the APIs that your driver calls are valid for a Universal Windows driver. 还可以使用 ApiValidator.exe 作为独立工具来执行此任务。You can also use the ApiValidator.exe as a standalone tool to perform this task. ApiValidator.exe 工具是适用于 Windows 10 的 Windows 驱动程序工具包 (WDK) 的一部分。The ApiValidator.exe tool is part of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 10. 有关信息,请参阅验证通用 Windows 驱动程序For info, see Validating Universal Windows drivers.

通用 Windows 驱动程序还需要一种特殊类型的 INF 文件,称为“通用 INF”。 Universal Windows drivers also require a special kind of INF file called a universal INF. 通用 INF 可以使用适用于传统 INF 文件的一部分指令和节。A universal INF can use a subset of the directives and sections available to a legacy INF file. 有关详细信息,请参阅使用通用 INF 文件To learn more, see Using a Universal INF File. 若要了解哪些节和指令适用,请参阅 INF 文件节和指令To see which sections and directives apply, see INF File Sections and Directives.

准备就绪后,请使用 InfVerif 工具测试驱动程序的 INF 文件。When you're ready, use the InfVerif tool to test your driver's INF file. 除了报告 INF 语法问题以外,该工具还会报告该 INF 文件是否适用于通用 Windows 驱动程序。In addition to reporting INF syntax problems, the tool reports if the INF file will work with a Universal Windows driver.

你还可以查找有关可从通用 Windows 驱动程序调用的 API 的信息。You can also find information about which APIs you can call from a Universal Windows driver. 此信息位于驱动程序参考页底部的“要求”块中。This information is located in the Requirements block at the bottom of driver reference pages.

例如,会看到如下所示的列表,其中告知给定的 DDI 是否为“通用”。 For example, you'll see a listing similar to this one that tells you if a given DDI is Universal.


有关详细信息,请参阅驱动程序参考页上的目标平台For more info, see Target platform on driver reference pages.

Windows 兼容的硬件开发板Windows compatible hardware development boards

现在,有更多的经济型开发板(例如 Raspberry Pi 2)支持 Windows。Windows is now supported on more affordable boards such as the Raspberry Pi 2. 加入我们的前期采用者社区,即可在该开发板上加载 Windows。Become a part of our early adopter community and load Windows on that board. 有关详细信息,请参阅 Windows 兼容的硬件开发板For more information, see Windows compatible hardware development boards.

电源管理框架Power Management Framework

电源管理框架 (PoFx) 可让驱动程序为设备中的各个组件单独定义一个或多个可调整的性能状态集。The power management framework (PoFx) enables a driver to define one or more sets of individually adjustable performance states for individual components within a device. 驱动程序可以使用性能状态来限制组件的工作负荷,以提供刚好足够的性能来满足工作负荷的当前需求。The driver can use performance states to throttle a component's workload to provide just enough performance for its current needs. 有关详细信息,请参阅组件级性能状态管理For more information, see Component-Level Performance State Management.

Windows 10 版本 1903 支持定向电源管理框架 (DFx)Windows 10, version 1903 includes support for the Directed Power Management Framework (DFx). 相关的参考文档包括:Related reference documentation includes the following:

有关 DFx 测试的信息,请参阅以下页:For information about testing for DFx, please see the following pages:

WPP 软件跟踪WPP Software Tracing

WPP 软件跟踪引入了新的功能:即时跟踪记录器WPP Software Tracing introduces a new feature: Inflight Trace Recorder. 如果驱动程序启用了 WPP 跟踪和 WPP 记录器,则会自动启用跟踪日志记录,你无需启动或停止跟踪会话即可轻松查看消息。If the driver enables WPP tracing and WPP Recorder, trace logging is turned on automatically and you can easily view messages without starting or stopping trace sessions. 若要对日志进行更细微的控制,WPP 记录器允许 KMDF 驱动程序创建和管理自定义缓冲区。For more fine tuned control over the log, WPP Recorder allows a KMDF driver to create and manage custom buffers.

Windows 10 版本 1903(最新版)中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1903 (latest)

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1903(Windows 10 2019 年 4 月更新)中驱动程序开发的新增功能和更新。This section describes new features and updates for driver development in Windows 10, version 1903 (Windows 10 April 2019 Update).

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下面是 Windows 10 版本 1903 中新的和更新的音频功能列表:The following is a list of new and updated Audio features in Windows 10, version 1903:


在 Windows 10 版本 1903 中添加的新相机驱动程序文档和功能包括:New Camera driver documentation and features added in Windows 10, version 1903 include:


Windows 10 版本 1903 中的显示驱动程序开发的更新包括:Updates to Display driver development in Windows 10, version 1903 include the following:



在 NetAdapter WDF 类扩展 (NetAdapterCx) 中,网环缓冲区已由网环取代,后者提供新的接口用于通过网环迭代器发送和接收网络数据。In the NetAdapter WDF class extension (NetAdapterCx), Net ring buffers have been replaced by Net rings, which have a new interface for sending and receiving network data using net ring iterators. 下面是新主题的列表:The following is a list of new topics:

支持此功能的新标头包括:New headers that support this feature include the following:

下面是 NetAdapterCx 内容更新的列表:The following is a list of NetAdapterCx content updates:

移动运营商方案Mobile operator scenarios

编写了新的移动套餐内容,以方便移动运营商通过移动套餐应用直接在 Windows 10 设备上向客户销售套餐:New Mobile Plans content for mobile operators to sell plans to customers directly on Windows 10 devices, through the Mobile Plans app:

移动宽带Mobile broadband

以下功能已添加到 Windows 10 版本 1903 中的移动宽带:The following features were added to Mobile broadband in Windows 10, version 1903:

在 Windows 10 版本 1903 中添加的新打印驱动程序文档和功能包括:New Print driver documentation and features added in Windows 10, version 1903 include:


Windows 10 版本 1903 中传感器驱动程序开发的新功能包括用于测试和校准屏幕亮度的 MALT(Microsoft 环境光照度工具)New features in sensor driver development in Windows 10, version 1903 include a MALT (Microsoft Ambient Light Tool) tool for testing and calibrating screen brightness.

此外,还更新了环境色 OEM 白皮书。There were also updates to the Ambient Color OEM whitepaper.


Windows 10 版本 1903 中添加了以下存储功能:The following Storage features were added in Windows 10, version 1903:

  • 添加了新的 Storport API,用于在 ETW 事件中记录设备故障和硬件协议错误,以及查询平台 D3 所需的行为New Storport APIs for logging device failure and hardware protocol errors in ETW events and to query for platform D3 desired behavior
  • 添加了新的 API 用于设置存储设备或适配器的属性New API to set the properties of a storage device or adapter
  • 对于文件系统,已添加新的 DDI 用于支持在创建完成时检索扩展属性 (EA) 信息,使微型筛选器能够改变 ECP 有效负载来更改更高级别的筛选器看到的结果For file systems, new DDIs were added to support retrieving extended attributes (EA) information upon create completion, allowing mini-filters to alter the ECP payload to change what higher filters see

Windows 硬件错误体系结构 (WHEA)Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)

Windows 10 版本 1903 包含 WHEA 的简化界面。Windows 10, version 1903 includes a simplified interface to WHEA. 有关详细信息,请参阅以下页:For more info, see the following pages:


新的 Wi-Fi 驱动程序开发文档和功能包括:New Wi-fi driver development documentation and features include:

  • 新的精准时序测量(FTM) 功能New Fine Timing Measurement (FTM) feature
  • 新的 WPA3-SAE 身份验证功能New WPA3-SAE Authentication feature
  • 新的多频段操作 (MBO) 支持,可提高企业方案的漫游性能New Multiband Operation (MBO) support to improve roaming performance in enterprise scenarios
  • 新的信标报告卸载支持New beacon report offloading support
  • 有关这些新功能的 OID 命令、NDIS 状态指示和 TLV,请参阅 WDI 文档更改历史记录For OID commands, NDIS status indications, and TLVs for these new features, see WDI doc change history

已更新 Windows 10 版本 1903 的以下主题:The following topics were updated for Windows 10, version 1903:

Windows 10 版本 1809 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1809

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1809(Windows 10 2018 年 10 月更新)中驱动程序开发的新增功能和更新。This section describes new features and updates for driver development in Windows 10, version 1809 (Windows 10 October 2018 Update).

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现已发布有关新的 sidebandaudiousbsidebandaudio 标头的文档。Documentation on the new sidebandaudio and usbsidebandaudio headers is now available.



Windows 10 版本 1809 中的“显示”驱动程序开发的更新包括:Updates to Display driver development in Windows 10, version 1809 include the following:

  • 光线跟踪:为了支持硬件加速的光线跟踪,我们在开发 Direct3D API 的同时开发了新的 Direct3D DDI。Raytracing New Direct3D DDI's were created in parallel of Direct3D API's, in order to support hardware-accelerated raytracing. 示例 DDI 包括:PFND3D12DDI_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_0054PFND3D12DDI_COPY_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_0054Example DDIs include: PFND3D12DDI_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_0054, PFND3D12DDI_COPY_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_0054. 有关光线跟踪的详细信息,请参阅宣布推出 Microsoft DirectX 光线跟踪For more info about raytracing, see Announcing Microsoft DirectX Raytracing.

  • 通用驱动程序要求:WDDM 2.5 驱动程序需要确保其 DirectX11 UMD、DirectX12 UMD、KMD 以及这些组件加载的其他任何 DLL 遵守通用 API。Universal Driver Requirements WDDM 2.5 drivers will need to ensure their DirectX11 UMD, DirectX12 UMD, KMDs, and any other DLL loaded by these components, adhere to the Universal API.

  • 仅限 SRV 的平铺资源层 3:在 Windows 10 版本 1809 中,GPU 能够更以更低的正交性支持平铺资源层 3 功能。SRV-Only Tiled Resource Tier 3 In Windows 10, version 1809, Tiled Resource Tier 3 capabilities can be supported less-orthogonally by GPUs. Direct3D12 现在支持稀疏体积纹理,而无需进行无序访问和渲染器目标操作。Direct3D12 now supports sparse volume textures without requiring unordered-access and render-target operations. 仅限 SRV 的平铺资源层 3 是适合在第 2 层和第 3 层之间部署的概念层。SRV-Only Tiled Resource Tier 3 is a conceptual tier that fits between Tier 2 and Tier 3. 与当前的正交平铺资源层 3 一样,硬件支持是可选的。Hardware support is optional, just like orthogonal Tiled Resource Tier 3 support currently is. 但是,仅限 SRV 的平铺资源层 3 支持是一个超集层,需要平铺资源层 2 的支持。But, supporting SRV-Only Tiled Resource Tier 3 is a super-set tier that requires support for Tiled Resource Tier 2.

    已播发正交平铺资源层 3 支持的驱动程序只需更新其驱动程序即可支持最新的“选项上限”DDI 结构版本。Drivers that already advertise support for orthogonal Tiled Resource Tier 3 merely have to update their drivers to support the latest “options caps” DDI structure version. 对于已能支持正交平铺资源层 3 的任何硬件,运行时会将仅限 SRV 的平铺资源层 3 支持播发到应用程序。The runtime will advertise SRV-Only Tiled Resource Tier 3 support to applications for any hardware that already supports orthogonal Tiled Resource Tier 3.

  • 渲染通道:已添加渲染通道功能来实现以下目的:Render Pass The Render Pass feature was added to:

    • 在现有的驱动程序上运行新的 API。Allow new APIs to be run on existing drivers.
    • 使用户模式驱动程序能够选择最佳的渲染路径,且不会严重降低 CPU 的性能。Allow user mode drivers to choose optimal rendering path without heavy CPU penalty.
  • 元命令:元命令是代表 IHV 加速算法的 Direct3D12 对象。Meta-commands A Meta-command is Direct3D12 object that represents an IHV-accelerated algorithm. 它是对驱动程序实现的命令生成器的不透明引用。It’s an opaque reference to a command generator implemented by the driver. 元命令的更新包括描述符表绑定和纹理绑定。Meta-command updates include Descriptor Table Binding and Texture binding. 请参阅 D3D12DDI_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPED3D12DDIARG_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_DESCSee D3D12DDI_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE and D3D12DDIARG_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_DESC.

    启用计算算法以使用纹理资源(重排内存)Enable Compute Algorithms to use Texture Resources (swizzled memory)

    • 启用图形管道算法Enable Graphics Pipeline Algorithms
  • HDR 亮度补偿:引入了新的 SDR 亮度提升技术,以将 SDR 内容的参考白色部分提高到用户所需的值,这样就能够以 200-240 典型尼特值再现 SDR 内容,相当于用户预期的 SDR 显示效果。HDR Brightness Compensation A new SDR brightness boost was introduced to raise the reference white of SDR content to the user-desired value, allowing SDR content to be reproduced to a typical 200-240 nits, which is equivalent to what users have expected for SDR displays. SDR 亮度提升在两个方面会影响总体 Brightness3 行为:SDR brightness boost affects overall Brightness3 behavior in two ways:

    1. 只能在预先混合的前提下,针对 SDR 内容应用此提升。This boost is applied pre-blend only on SDR content. HDR 内容不受影响。HDR content is not affected. 同时,对于大多数笔记本电脑/brightness3 方案,用户预期所有内容(SDR 和 HDR)可调整。Meanwhile, for most laptop/brightness3 scenarios, users expect all content (SDR and HDR) to be adjusted.

    2. 当 OS 中的 Brightness3 堆栈确定所需的尼特值时,并不知道已经应用了 SDR 提升。When the Brightness3 stack in the OS determines the desired nits value, it is not aware of the already applied SDR boost.

      驱动程序必须对来自 HDR Brightness3 DDI 的所需尼特值应用补偿。The driver must then apply a compensation to the desired nits value coming from Brightness3 DDIs for HDR. 由于图形驱动程序(和下游的 TCON 等)将会修改内容的像素值以获取所需的尼特值,因此,还应该对应用程序通过 D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_HDR10 提供的 HDR 内容元数据或者通过 DxgkDdiSetTargetAdjustedColorimetry 提供的 OS 默认值应用补偿。Since Graphics drivers (and downstream TCON etc.) will be modifying the pixel values of the content to get desired nits value, there should also be a compensation applied to the HDR content metadata as provided by the applications via D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_HDR10 or OS defaults via DxgkDdiSetTargetAdjustedColorimetry. 由于图形驱动程序 (TCON) 负责修改像素数据,因此驱动程序需负责补偿 HDR 内容元数据。Since Graphics driver (TCONs) are responsible for modifying the pixel data, it is the driver’s responsibility to compensate the HDR content metadata.

  • HDR 像素格式支持:此内核模式设备驱动程序接口 (DDI) 更改包含在 WDDM 2.5 中,公开了驱动程序/设备报告的新功能,提供有关驱动程序/设备支持的 HDR 功能的信息。HDR Pixel Format Support This kernel mode device driver interface (DDI) change is part of WDDM 2.5 to expose new capabilities to be reported by driver/device, providing information regarding the HDR functionality supported by the driver/device.

    目前,OS 根据从 DdiUpdateMonitorLinkInfo 读取的 DXGK_MONITORLINKINFO_CAPABILITIES 结构的 HighColorSpace 位确定驱动程序/设备是否支持 HDR。Currently, OS determines if the driver/device supports HDR based on the HighColorSpace bit of the DXGK_MONITORLINKINFO_CAPABILITIES structure as read from DdiUpdateMonitorLinkInfo. HighColorSpace 位提供以 HDR 模式运行的驱动程序/链接/监视功能的组合。The HighColorSpace bit gives a combination of driver/link/monitor capability to run in HDR mode.

    驱动程序报告的 HDR 功能现在包括驱动程序/设备级功能,可让 OS 知道驱动程序/设备是支持真正的 HDR(即 FP16HDR),还是仅支持受限形式的 HDR(即 ARGB10HDR),相关定义如下:The HDR capabilities reporting by the driver now includes a Driver/Device level capabilities, which will let OS know if the Driver/Device supports true HDR (i.e. FP16HDR), or only supports a limited form of HDR (i.e. ARGB10HDR), as defined below:

    • FP16HDR:驱动程序/设备可将 FP16 像素格式图面与 scRGB/CCCS 色彩空间结合使用,并在运行扫描输出管道期间应用 PQ/2084 编码和 BT.2020 原色,以将输出信号转换为 HDR10。FP16HDR: Driver/device can take FP16 pixel format surfaces with scRGB/CCCS colorspace and apply PQ/2084 encoding and BT.2020 primaries during scanout pipeline to convert output signal to HDR10.

    • ARGB10HDR:驱动程序/设备可以采用已经过 PQ/2084 编码的 ARGB10 像素格式图面,并扫描输出 HDR10 信号。ARGB10HDR: Driver/device can take ARGB10 pixel format surfaces which are already PQ/2084 encoded and scan out HDR10 signal. 驱动程序/设备无法处理上面定义的 FP16HDR,也无法处理 scRGB FP16 的扩展数值范围。Driver/device can’t handle FP16HDR as defined above or cannot handle the extended numeric range of scRGB FP16.

      图形驱动程序只能报告 FP16HDR 或 ARGB10HDR 的支持,因为它们并不真正采用超集/子集配置;如果同时报告支持 FP16HDR 和 ARGB10HDR,则 OS 会使启动适配器失败。Graphics drivers can only report support for either FP16HDR or ARGB10HDR as they are not really superset/subset configurations and OS will fail the Start Adapter if both are reported as supported at the same time. 请参阅 DXGK_MONITORLINKINFO_CAPABILITIES_DXGK_DISPLAY_DRIVERCAPS_EXTENSIONSee DXGK_MONITORLINKINFO_CAPABILITIES and _DXGK_DISPLAY_DRIVERCAPS_EXTENSION.

  • SDR 白水平:内核模式设备驱动程序接口的更改包括将新的参数添加到现有的 DDI,使图形驱动程序知道 OS 复合器对所有在 HDR 模式下显示的 SDR 内容应用的“SDR 白水平”值。SDR White Level A kernel mode device driver interface change includes adding new parameters to existing DDIs to let the Graphics drivers know the “SDR white level” value that is being applied by the OS compositor for all the SDR content, for a display which is running in HDR mode. 请参阅“_DXGK_COLORIMETRY”。See _DXGK_COLORIMETRY.

Windows 内核Windows kernel

核心内核中添加了几个新的 API:Several new APIs have been added in the core kernel:




接收端缩放版本 2 (RSSv2) 已更新为版本 1.01。Receive side scaling version 2 (RSSv2) has been updated to version 1.01.

移动宽带Mobile broadband

  • 新的 OID 和 DDI 可以支持 MBB 设备的多个数据包数据协议 (MPDP) 接口。New OID and DDIs to support multiple packet data protocol (MPDP) interfaces for MBB devices.
  • 新的基于设备的重置和恢复能够以更可靠的方式重置和恢复 MBB 设备与驱动程序。New Device-based Reset and Recovery feature for more robust reset recovery for MBB devices and drivers.

移动宽带 WDF 类扩展 (MBBCx)Mobile Broadband WDF class extension (MBBCx)

MBBCx 电源管理方法已简化。MBBCx power management methods have been simplified.

尽管 Windows 10 版本 1803 中提供 MBBCx 的预览内容,但 Windows 10 版本 1809 的 WDK 版本中随附了 MBBCx。Though preview content for MBBCx was available in Windows 10, version 1803, MBBCx now ships in the Windows 10, version 1809 version of the WDK.

移动运营商Mobile operators

现在,桌面版 COSA 支持 AutoConnectOrder 设置The AutoConnectOrder setting is now supported in desktop COSA.


自动亮度调节功能支持:Support for auto Brightness feature:

已添加 PKEY_SensorData_IsValid 数据字段以支持传感器中的自动亮度调节。The PKEY_SensorData_IsValid data field has been added to support auto brightness in sensors.

有关详细信息,请参阅光传感器数据字段See Light sensor data fields for more info.


面向 USB 类型 C 驱动程序开发人员的新功能:New feature for USB Type-C driver developers:

如果硬件符合 UCSI 规范并且需要通过非 ACPI 传输进行通信,则你可以利用新的类扩展 — (UcmUcsiCx.sys)。If your hardware is UCSI compliant and requires communication over a non-ACPI transport, you can utilize the new class extension — (UcmUcsiCx.sys). 此扩展以传输无关的方式实现 UCSI 规范。This implements the UCSI specification in a transport agnostic way. 只需编写极少量的代码,驱动程序(即 UcmUcsiCx 的客户端)即可通过非 ACPI 传输来与 USB 类型 C 硬件通信。With minimal amount of code, your driver, which is a client to UcmUcsiCx, can communicate with the USB Type-C hardware over non-ACPI transport. 本主题介绍 UCSI 类扩展提供的服务,以及客户端驱动程序的预期行为。This topic describes the services provided by the UCSI class extension and the expected behavior of the client driver.

使用面向 USB 类型 C 驱动程序开发人员的新功能可以监视 USB 类型 C 连接器的活动和/或参与 USB 类型 C 连接器的策略决策。New feature for USB Type-C driver developers that allows you to monitor the activities of USB Type-C connectors and/or get involved in policy decisions on USB Type-C connectors.

例如,根据热量状况控制设备的充电,使设备不会过热。For example, control their device’s charging based on thermal conditions, so that the device won’t be overheated.

适用于模拟 USB 设备 (UDE) - 1.1 和 USB 主控制器 (Ucx) 1.5 的新版类扩展:New versions of the class extensions available for emulated USB devices (UDE) -- 1.1 and USB host controller (Ucx) 1.5:

模拟设备现在可通过功能 (FLDR) 和平台 (PLDR) 重置来支持更好的重置和恢复。Emulated devices now support better reset recovery through function (FLDR) and platform (PLDR) resets. 客户端驱动程序现在可让系统知道设备需要重置以及重置的类型:功能或平台。The client driver can now inform the system that the device needs a reset and the type of reset: function or platform.

主控制器还可通过以下方式选择 FLDR 和 PLDR 重置:The host controller can also opt for FLDR and PLDR resets through:


WLAN 设备驱动程序接口 (WDI) 规范已更新为版本 1.1.7。The WLAN device driver interface (WDI) spec has been updated to version 1.1.7.

  • 添加了 WDI 驱动程序的最新 802.11ax PHY 类型的支持。Added support for the latest 802.11ax PHY type for WDI drivers.
  • 添加了未经请求的设备服务指示的支持。Added support for unsolicited device service indications.

Windows 10 版本 1803 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1803

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1803(Windows 10 2018 年 4 月更新)中驱动程序开发的新增功能和更新。This section describes new features and updates for driver development in Windows 10, version 1803 (Windows 10 April 2018 Update).

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Windows 10 版本 1803 包含 ACPI DDI 的更新,支持平台功能和物理设备定位。Windows 10, version 1803 includes updates to ACPI DDIs to support platform capabilities and physical device location.


语音激活主题已更新,包括有关 APO 要求的附加信息。The voice activation topic was updated to include additional information on APO requirements.


Windows 10 版本 1803 引入了迅速配对的支持。Windows 10, version 1803 introduces support for Swift Pair. 用户不再需要在设置应用中导航并查找外设即可配对。Users no longer need to navigate the Settings App and find their peripheral to pair. Windows 可以自动为用户完成配对。当附近出现新的外设并且该设备准备就绪时,Windows 会弹出一条通知。Windows can now do this for them by popping a notification when a new peripheral is nearby and ready. 确保外设进行迅速配对需要满足两套要求。There are two sets of requirements to ensure your peripheral works with Swift Pair. 一套要求与外设的行为相关,另一套要求与 Microsoft 定义的供应商播发部分中的结构和值相关。One set is for the peripheral’s behavior, and another for the structure and values in a Microsoft defined vendor advertisement section. 有关详细信息,请参阅:For more information, see:

Windows 10 版本 1803 支持蓝牙版本 5.0。Windows 10, version 1803 supports Bluetooth version 5.0. 有关配置文件支持的信息,请参阅 Windows 10 中的蓝牙版本和配置文件支持For information about profile support, see Bluetooth Version and Profile Support in Windows 10.


对相机驱动程序开发的更新包括:Updates to Camera driver development include:

  • 适用于 UVC 设备的 DShow (DirectShow) 桥实施指南 - 有关配置符合 USB 视频类 (UVC) 规范的相机和设备的 DShow 桥的实施指南。DShow (DirectShow) Bridge implementation guidance for UVC devices - Implementation guidance for configuring DShow Bridge for cameras and devices that comply with the USB Video Class (UVC) specification. 平台使用 USB 总线标准中的 Microsoft OS 描述符来配置 DShow 桥。The platform uses Microsoft OS Descriptors from the USB bus standard to configure DShow Bridge. 扩展属性 OS 描述符是 USB 标准描述符的扩展,USB 设备使用它来返回尚未通过标准规范启用的 Windows 特定设备属性。The Extended Properties OS Descriptors are an extension of USB standard descriptors and are used by USB devices to return Windows specific device properties that are not enabled through standard specifications.
  • 全景相机视频捕获 - 使用现有的 MediaCapture API 提供全景相机预览、捕获和记录支持。360 camera video capture - Provides support for 360 camera preview, capture, and record with existing MediaCapture APIs. 平台可以使用此功能来公开球形帧源(例如 equirectangular 帧),使应用能够检测和处理全景视频相机流,以及提供全景拍摄体验。This enables the platform to expose spherical frame sources (for example, equirectangular frames ), enabling apps to detect and handle 360 video camera streams as well as to provide a 360 capture experience.


下面是对 Windows 10 版本 1803 中的“显示”驱动程序开发的更新:The following are updates to Display driver development in Windows 10, version 1803:

  • 间接显示 UMDF 类扩展 - 间接显示驱动程序可将 SRM 传递给渲染 GPU,并提供一种机制用于查询所用的 SRM 版本。Indirect Display UMDF class extension - The Indirect Display driver can pass the SRM to the rendering GPU and have a mechanism to query the SRM version being used.

  • 基于 IOMMU 硬件的 GPU 隔离支持 - 通过限制 GPU 访问系统内存来提高安全性。IOMMU hardware-based GPU isolation support - Increases security by restricting GPU access to system memory.

  • GPU 半虚拟化支持 - 可让显示驱动程序在 Hyper-V 虚拟化环境中提供渲染功能。GPU paravirtualization support - Enables display drivers to provide rendering capabilities to Hyper-V virtualized environments.

  • 亮度 - 提供新的亮度接口来支持多个显示器,这些显示器可设置为基于校准尼特值的亮度水平。Brightness - A new brightness interface to support multiple displays that can be set to calibrated nit-based brightness levels.

  • D3D11 位流加密 - 在 D3D11 中提供更多的 GUID 和参数来支持公开包含 8 或 16 字节初始化矢量的 CENC、CENS、CBC1 和 CBCS。D3D11 bitstream encryption - Additional GUIDS and parameters to D3D11 to support exposing CENC, CENS, CBC1, and CBCS with 8 or 16 byte initialization vectors.

  • D3D11 和 D3D12 视频解码直方图 - 借助照度直方图,媒体团队可以利用直方图的固定功能硬件来改善 HDR/EDR 方案的音调映射质量。D3D11 and D3D12 video decode histogram - A luminance histogram allows the media team to leverage fixed function hardware for histogram to improve tone mapping quality for HDR/EDR scenarios. 当这些方案已经饱和使用了 GPU 或者想要启用并行处理时,固定功能硬件非常有用。Fixed function hardware is useful when GPU is already saturated in these scenarios and to enable parallel processing. 此功能是可选的。仅当固定功能硬件可用时,才应该实现此功能。This feature is optional and should only be implemented if fixed function hardware is available. 不应配合 3D 或计算方案实现此功能。This feature should not be implemented with 3D or Compute.

  • D3D12 视频解码现在支持解码层 II,指示驱动程序支持纹理阵列,可在分辨率发生更改时,让应用程序分摊分配成本并减少峰值内存使用量。 D3D12 video decode now supports Decode Tier II, indicating driver supports Array of Textures that enable applications to amortize allocation cost and reduce peak memory usage during resolution change.

  • 平铺资源层和 LDA 原子性 - 提供新的跨节点共享层,以添加对跨链接适配器 (LDA) 节点工作的原子着色器指令的支持。Tiled resource tier and LDA atomics - A new cross node sharing tier to add support for atomic shader instructions working across linked adapter (LDA) nodes. 这提高了 ISV 实现多种 GPU 渲染技术(例如分割帧渲染 (SFR))的能力,并且与 D3D11 相比,将功能提高到了新的层次。This improves ISVs ability to implement multiple GPU rendering techniques like split frame rendering (SFR) and clearly advances the capabilities over what is possible in D3D11.

  • GPU 递色支持 - 驱动程序可以报告给定计时模式下针对网络信号执行递色的能力。GPU dithering support - Drivers can report the ability to perform dithering on the wire signal for a given timing mode. 这样,当所需的位深度效率高于监视链路实际所能提供的效率时(例如需要 HDR10 而不是 HDMI 2.0),OS 可以显式请求递色。This allows the OS to explicitly request dithering in scenarios where a higher effective bit depth is needed than is physically available on the monitor link, for example for HDR10 over HDMI 2.0.

  • 后处理颜色增强覆盖 - 可让 OS 请求驱动程序暂时禁用任何增强或更改显示颜色的后处理功能。Post-processing color enhancement override - Adds the ability for the OS to request that the driver temporarily disable any post-processing that enhances or alters display colors. 这可以支持如下所述的方案:特定的应用程序能够以比色方式在显示器上实施准确的色彩行为,并安全地与 OEM 或 IHV 专属显示颜色增强功能共存。This is to support scenarios where specific applications want to enforce colorimetrically accurate color behavior on the display, and safely coexist with OEM or IHV-proprietary display color enhancements.

  • Direct3D12 和视频 - 新的 API 和 DDI 提供对以下功能的访问:Direct3D12 and Video - New API and DDI to provide access to the following capabilities:

    • 硬件加速的视频解码Hardware accelerated video decoding
    • 内容保护Content Protection
    • 视频处理Video processing
  • DisplayID - 一个新的 DDI,旨在通过受图形适配器控制的,并且应该支持 DisplayID v1.3 和 DisplayID v2.0 的显示器查询 VESA 的 DisplayID 描述符。DisplayID - A new DDI, designed to allow the VESA’s DisplayID descriptor to be queried from a display controlled by a graphics adapter and shall support DisplayID v1.3 and DisplayID v2.0. DDI 是现有 DxgkDdiQueryAdapterInfo DDI 的扩展,应受 DXGKDDI_INTERFACE_VERSION >= DXGKDDI_INTERFACE_VERSION_WDDM2_3 的所有驱动程序的支持,包括仅限内核模式显示的驱动程序和间接显示驱动程序。The DDI is an extension of existing DxgkDdiQueryAdapterInfo DDI and shall be supported by all drivers with DXGKDDI_INTERFACE_VERSION >= DXGKDDI_INTERFACE_VERSION_WDDM2_3, including kernel mode display only drivers and indirect display drivers.

  • GPU 性能数据 - DdiQueryAdapterInfo 的扩展将公开温度、风扇速度、引擎和内存时钟速度、内存带宽、功耗和电压等信息GPU performance data - Extensions to DdiQueryAdapterInfo will expose information such as temperature, fan speed, clock speeds for engines and memory, memory bandwidth, power draw, and voltages

  • 杂项 - 新的 SupportContextlessPresent 驱动程序上限可帮助 IHV 载入新驱动程序。Miscellaneous - A new SupportContextlessPresent driver cap to help IHV onboard new driver.

  • 改进了 OS 中的外部/可移动 GPU 支持。Improvements to External/Removable GPU support in the OS. 作为改进支持的第一步,Dxgkrnl 需要确定 GPU 是否“可分离”,即可热插拔。As a first step to add better support, Dxgkrnl needs to determine if a GPU is “detachable”, i.e. hot-pluggable. 对于 RS4,我们希望利用此方面的驱动程序信息,而不是生成自己的基础结构。For RS4 we would like to leverage the driver’s knowledge about this instead of building our own infrastructure. 为此,我们将在 DXGK_ DRIVERCAPS 结构中添加“Detachable”位。For this purpose, we are adding a “Detachable” bit to DXGK_ DRIVERCAPS struct. 如果适配器可热插拔,则在适配器初始化期间,驱动程序会设置此位。Driver will set this bit during adapter initialization if the adapter is hot-pluggable.

  • 显示诊断 - 内核模式设备驱动程序接口 (DDI) 已发生更改,允许显示控制器的驱动程序向 OS 报告诊断事件。Display Diagnostics - Kernel mode device driver interface (DDI) changes to allow the driver for a display controller to report diagnostic events to the OS. 这就提供了一个通道来让驱动程序记录事件,否则 OS 看不到这些事件,因为事件不是 OS 请求的响应,也不是 OS 需要应对的对象。This provides a channel through which the driver can log events which would otherwise be invisible to the OS as the events are not a response to an OS request or something the OS needs to react to.

  • 共享图形电源组件 - 使非图形驱动程序能够参与图形设备的电源管理。Shared graphics power components - Allows non-graphics drivers to participate in the power management of a graphics device. 非图形驱动程序将配合图形驱动程序,使用某个驱动程序接口来管理其中一个或多个共享的电源组件。A non-graphics driver will use a driver interface to manage one or more of these shared power components in coordination with the graphics driver.

  • 共享纹理改进 - 包括增加了可在进程和 D3D 设备之间共享的纹理类型。Shared texture improvements - Includes increasing the types of textures that can be shared across processes and D3D devices. 此设计使得帧服务器 OS 组件能够以极少量的内存复制来支持单色。This design enables the frame server OS component to support monochrome with minimal memory copying.

驱动程序安全性Driver security

Windows 驱动程序安全指南驱动程序安全清单做了更新,为驱动程序开发人员提供驱动程序安全清单。Updates to Windows Driver Security Guidance and the Driver security checklist, which provides a driver security checklist for driver developers.

Windows 内核Windows kernel

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1803 中的 Windows 内核驱动程序开发的新增功能和已更新的功能。This section describes the new and updated features for Windows kernel driver development in Windows 10, version 1803.

已将一组新 API 添加到工具包,使第三方能够创建其自己的 KDNET 扩展模块或 KdSerial 传输层。A set of new APIs has been added to the kit to enable third parties to create their own KDNET extensibility modules or KdSerial transport layers. 有关示例代码,请参阅 Debuggers 文件夹中的“内核传输示例”(ddk\samples\kdserial and ddk\samples\kdnet)。For sample code, see “Kernel Transport Samples” (ddk\samples\kdserial and ddk\samples\kdnet) in the Debuggers folder.

添加了相应的支持,为驱动程序提供一个可以存储文件状态的批准位置(操作系统知道该位置)。Support was added to provide drivers with a sanctioned location (that the operating system knows about) where they can store file state. 使用此方法时,系统可将该位置中的文件与某个设备或驱动程序相关联。With this approach, the system can associate files in that location with a device or driver.

有不同的位置用于存储特定于驱动程序内部组件或特定于设备的文件状态。There are distinct locations to store file states specific to the internals of a driver and specific to a device. 对于包含文件状态的驱动程序,可以确定写入到磁盘的状态是:For drivers that have file state, you can decide if the state written to disk is:

  • 驱动程序状态 (IoGetDriverDirectory):可能正在控制多个设备的驱动程序的全局状态,还是Driver state (IoGetDriverDirectory): global to the driver that might be controlling multiple devices), or

  • 设备状态 (IoGetDeviceDirectory):特定于驱动程序控制的单个设备,其他设备可能对类似的状态使用不同的值。Device state (IoGetDeviceDirectory): specific to the driver-controlled single device and other devices might have different values for similar state.

现在,当功能驱动程序 (FDO) 的相应 PCIe 设备处于 D3Cold 状态时,可与其他电源协商。Function drivers (FDO) can now negotiate additional power when their respective PCIe devices are in a D3Cold state. 这包括:This includes:

NT 服务以及内核模式和用户模式驱动程序可以使用 RtlRaiseCustomSystemEventTrigger 函数针对设备引发自定义触发器。NT services and kernel-mode and user-mode drivers can raise a custom trigger for a device by using the RtlRaiseCustomSystemEventTrigger function. 驱动程序开发人员拥有的自定义触发器通知系统事件代理使用自定义触发器标识符标识的触发器启动关联的后台任务。A custom trigger, owned by the driver developer, notifies system event broker to start an associated background task with it, which is identified by a custom trigger identifier.

现在,可以在激发通知时注册活动会话更改通知并获取回调。You can now register for active session change notification and get a callback when the notification is fired. 作为此通知的一部分,某些数据还会与调用方共享。As part of this notification, some data is also shared with the caller. 这些关联的数据通过 PO_SPR_ACTIVE_SESSION_DATA 结构传送。This associated data is delivered via the PO_SPR_ACTIVE_SESSION_DATA structure.


本部分概述 Windows 10 版本 1803 中 Windows 网络驱动程序开发的新增功能和改进。This section outlines new features and improvements for Windows Networking driver development in Windows 10, version 1803.

NDIS 和 NetAdapterCxNDIS and NetAdapterCx

NDIS 的更新包括:Updates to NDIS include:

下面是网络适配器 WDF 类扩展 (NetAdapterCx) 的新主题:The following topics are new for the Network Adapter WDF class extension (NetAdapterCx):

此外,为仅限预览的功能 - 移动宽带类扩展 (MBBCx) 提供了新的主题。该功能使用 NetAdapterCx 模型建立移动宽带连接。Additionally, new topics are available for a preview-only feature, the Mobile Broadband class extension (MBBCx), which uses the NetAdapterCx model for mobile broadband connectivity.

移动宽带Mobile broadband

在移动宽带中,提供了详细介绍 MB 低级别 UICC 访问的新主题。In mobile broadband, a new topic detailing MB low level UICC access is available.

移动运营商Mobile operators

桌面版 COSA 现在包括新的热点和 AppID 设置。New Hotspot and AppID settings are now a part of desktop COSA. 强烈建议移动运营商从使用 Sysdev 元数据包的宽带应用体验过渡到 MO UWP 应用COSA 数据库Mobile operators are strongly encouraged to transition from broadband app experience apps with Sysdev metadata packages to MO UWP Apps and the COSA database.


添加了新的 ACPI _DSD 方法用于支持以下新式待机和 PCI 热插拔方案:New ACPI _DSD methods have been added to support these Modern Standby and PCI hot plug scenarios:

  • PCIe 根端口上的定向最深运行时空闲电源状态 (DDRIPS) 支持Directed Deepest Runtime Idle Power State (DDRIPS) support on PCIe Root Ports
  • 在 D3 中识别支持热插拔的 PCIe 根端口Identifying PCIe Root Ports supporting hot plug in D3
  • 识别外部公开的 PCIe 根端口Identifying externally exposed PCIe Root Ports

有关信息,请参阅 ACPI 接口:PCIe 根端口的设备特定数据 (_DSD)For information, see ACPI Interface: Device Specific Data (_DSD) for PCIe Root Ports.


添加了 SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES 枚举用于澄清连接类型属性。The SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES enumeration was added to clarify connection type properties.


添加了新的 API 用于模拟共享连接器的分离。New APIs were added to simulate detach for shared connectors. 如果 USB 设备已附加到主机,或者在删除堆栈时包含共享连接器,则你可以模拟分离事件。If a USB device is attached to a host or has shared connector while the stack is being removed while the device is attached to a host or has shared connectors, you can simulate a detach event. 此时已禁用所有附加/分离通知机制。At this point all attach/detach notification mechanisms are disabled. 有关详细信息,请参阅 UfxDeviceNotifyFinalExit 函数For more information, see UfxDeviceNotifyFinalExit function.


Wi-Fi 驱动程序开发的更新包括添加了新的用于 NIC 自动电源保护程序 (NAPS) 高级电源管理的 TLV 功能,以及对平台级设备恢复服务 (PLDR) 的更新。Updates to Wi-fi driver development include a new TLV for the Nic Auto Power Saver (NAPS) advanced power management feature and updates to the platform level device recovery service (PLDR).

Windows 10 版本 1709 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1709

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1709 中驱动程序开发的新增功能和更新。This section describes new features and updates for driver development in Windows 10, version 1709.

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下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中 Windows 音频驱动程序开发的更新列表:The following is a list of updates to Windows Audio driver development in Windows 10, version 1709:

  • 新的配置和查询音频设备模块New Configure and query audio device modules
  • 语音激活做了大量更新Extensive updates to voice activation
    • 有关仅限链接和关键字激活的更多详细信息More details on chained and keyword only activation
    • 新的词汇表A new glossary of terms
    • 有关训练和识别的更多信息,例如引脚和音频格式信息Additional information on training and recognition, such as pin and audio format information
    • 更新的关键字系统概述An updated keyword system overview
    • 有关语音唤醒的更新信息Updated information on wake on voice


下面是用于支持输入/输出缓冲区的新高级配置和电源接口 (ACPI) DDI 列表。The following is a list of new Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) DDIs to support input/output buffers.


Windows 生物识别驱动程序有新的签名要求。There are new signing requirements for Windows Biometric Drivers. 有关详细信息,请参阅为 WBDI 驱动程序签名For more information, see Signing WBDI Drivers.


下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中 Windows 显示驱动程序开发的新增功能列表。The following is a list of new features for Windows Display driver development in Windows 10, version 1709.

  • 显示色彩空间转换 DDI 针对合成后显示管道中应用的色彩空间转换提供更高的控制度。Display ColorSpace Transform DDIs provide additional control over color space transforms applied in the post-composition display pipeline.
  • D3D12 复制队列时间戳查询功能可让应用程序针对 COPY 命令列表/队列发出时间戳查询。The D3D12 Copy Queue Timestamp Queries feature will allow applications to issue timestamp queries on COPY command lists/queues. 这些时间戳的指定运行方式与其他引擎中的时间戳相同。These timestamps are specified to function identically to timestamps on other engines.
  • 通过以下方式增强了视频与 Direct3D12 运行时的集成:Enhanced Video integration into Direct3D12 Runtime through:
    1. 硬件加速的视频解码Hardware accelerated video decoding
    2. 内容保护Content protection
    3. 视频处理Video processing

硬件通知Hardware notifications

Windows 10 版本 1709 为 LED 和振动机制等通知组件提供不区分硬件的支持。In Windows 10, version 1709, there is support for hardware-agnostic support of notification components such as LEDs and vibration mechanisms. 有关详细信息,请参阅:For more information, see:

Windows 内核Windows kernel

在 Windows 10 版本 1709 中,为驱动程序的 Windows 内核添加了多个新例程。In Windows 10, version 1709, several new routines to the Windows Kernel for drivers have been added.

移动宽带Mobile broadband

下面是适用于 Windows 10 版本 1709 中驱动程序开发的 Windows 移动宽带和移动运营商方案的新增功能列表:The following is a list of new features for Windows Mobile Broadband and Mobile Operator Scenarios for driver development in Windows 10, version 1709:

在 Windows 10 版本 1709 中,桌面版 COSA 文档已更新,包括新的品牌相关字段。In Windows 10, version 1709, the desktop COSA documentation was updated to include new branding-related fields. 有关对移动运营商方案所做的其他更改,请参阅已弃用的功能列表。See the list of deprecated features for other changes to Mobile Operator Scenarios.


本部分概述 Windows 10 版本 1709 中 Windows 网络驱动程序开发的新增功能和改进。This section outlines new features and improvements for Windows Networking driver development in Windows 10, version 1709.

下面是 NDIS 的新增功能和已更新功能列表:The following is a list of new and updated features for NDIS:

虚拟化 PCIVirtualized PCI

提供新的编程接口用于编写符合 PCI Express 单根 I/O 虚拟化 (SR-IOV) 规范的设备的物理功能驱动程序。There are new programming interfaces for writing a Physical Function driver for devices that conform to the PCI Express Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) specification. 接口在 Pcivirt.h 中声明。The interfaces are declared in Pcivirt.h. 有关详细信息,请参阅 PCI 虚拟化For more information, see PCI virtualization.

脉宽调制 (PWM) 控制器Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controllers

在 Windows 10 版本 1709 中,若要提供对已映射到 SoC 地址空间的 SoC 和内存中的脉宽调制 (PWM) 控制器的访问,需要编写一个内核模式驱动程序。In Windows 10, version 1709, to provide access to a Pulse width modulation (PWM) controller that is part of the SoC and memory-mapped to the SoC address space, you need to write a kernel-mode driver. 有关详细信息,请参阅 SoC 中 PWM 模块的 PWM 驱动程序For more information, see PWM driver for an on-SoC PWM module.

若要分析和验证引脚路径和提取引脚编号,内核模型驱动程序应使用 PwmParsePinPathTo parse and validate pin paths and extract the pin number, kernel mode drivers should use PwmParsePinPath.

应用可以通过发送 PWM IOCTL 请求,将请求发送到控制器驱动程序。An app can send requests to the controller driver by sending PWM IOCTLs requests.

存储和文件系统Storage and File Systems

Windows 10 版本 1709 的文件系统和存储中添加了 ufs.h 标头,以提供对通用闪存存储的额外支持。In File Systems and Storage, the ufs.h header was added in Windows 10, version 1709 to provide additional support to Universal Flash Storage.

Posix 更新包括新的 deleterename 函数。Posix updates include new functions delete and rename.

下面是 Windows 10 版本 1709 中已更新的标头列表:The following is a list of headers that were updated in Windows 10, version 1709:

  • ata.hata.h
  • fltKernel.hfltKernel.h
  • minitape.hminitape.h
  • ntddscsi.hntddscsi.h
  • ntddstor.hntddstor.h
  • ntddvol.hntddvol.h
  • ntifs.hntifs.h
  • scsi.hscsi.h
  • storport.hstorport.h


本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1709 中 USB 的新增功能。This section describes the new features for USB in Windows 10, version 1709.

不区分媒体的 USB (MA-USB) 协议Media Agnostic USB (MA-USB) protocol

USB 驱动程序堆栈可以使用不区分媒体的 USB (MA-USB) 协议,通过非 USB 物理媒体(例如 Wi-Fi)发送 USB 数据包。The USB driver stack can send USB packets over non-USB physical mediums such as Wi-Fi by using the Media Agnostic USB (MA-USB) protocol. 为了实现此功能,我们已发布新的编程接口。To implement this feature, new programming interfaces have been released. 新的 DDI 可让驱动程序确定与 _URB_GET_ISOCH_PIPE_TRANSFER_PATH_DELAYS 关联的延迟。The new DDIs allow the driver to determine the delays associated with the _URB_GET_ISOCH_PIPE_TRANSFER_PATH_DELAYS. 可以通过生成新的 URB 请求来检索该信息。That information can be retrieved by building a new URB request. 有关此新增功能的信息,请参阅以下主题:For information about this new feature, see the following topics:

若要支持 MA-USB,主控制器驱动程序必须通过实现特定的回调函数来提供传输特征。To support MA-USB, the host controller driver must provide the transport characteristics by implementing specific callback functions. 下表显示了支持 MA-USB 的回调函数和结构。The following table shows the callback functions and structures that support MA-USB.

回调函数Callback Functions 结构Structures

系统 QPC 与 USB 帧和微帧同步Synchronized system QPC with USB frame and microframes

有新的编程接口可用于检索与帧和微帧同步的系统查询性能计数器 (QPC) 值。There are new programming interfaces that retrieve the system query performance counter (QPC) value synchronized with the frame and microframe.

仅当调用方在主控制器中启用了该功能时,才可以检索此信息。This information is retrieved only when the caller enables the feature in the host controller. 若要启用此功能,主控制器驱动程序必须实现以下回调函数。To enable the feature, a host controller driver must implement the following callback functions.

应用程序可以使用以下 API 来启用/禁用该功能以及检索信息:An application can use these APIs to enable/disable the feature and retrieve the information:

其他驱动程序可以发送以下 IOCTL 请求来启用/禁用该功能以及检索信息:Other drivers can send these IOCTL requests to enable/disable the feature and retrieve the information:

下面是与 USB 帧和微帧同步的系统 OPC 的支持结构:Here are the supporting structures for synchronized system OPC with USB frame and microframes:


IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_DISPLAY_OUT_STATUS_CHANGED 请求是 USB 类型 C 端口控制器接口框架扩展中的新请求。The IOCTL_UCMTCPCI_PORT_CONTROLLER_DISPLAYPORT_DISPLAY_OUT_STATUS_CHANGED request is a new request in USB Type-C Port Controller Interface framework extension. 此请求向客户端驱动程序告知 DisplayPort 连接的显示输出状态已更改。This request notifies the client driver that the display out status of the DisplayPort connection has changed.


Windows 10 版本 1703 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1703

本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1703 中驱动程序开发的新增功能和已改进的功能。This section describes new and improved features for driver development in Windows 10, version 1703.

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下面是 Windows 10 版本 1703 中音频驱动程序开发的新主题列表:The following is a list of new topics for Audio driver development in Windows 10, version 1703:

  • 实现音频模块通信 - 介绍从通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用到内核模式音频设备驱动程序的通信支持。Implementing Audio Module Communication - Describes the support for communication from Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps to kernel mode audio device drivers.
  • 有关支持 APO 模块通信发现的新 DDI 和属性参考主题:New DDIs and properties reference topics to support APO Module Communications discovery:


下面是 Windows 10 版本 1703 中蓝牙的更新列表:The following is a list of updates to Bluetooth in Windows 10 version 1703:

  • Windows 10 桌面版中包含宽带语音的免持配置文件 (HFP) 1.6 规范。Hands-Free Profile (HFP) 1.6 specification with Wideband speech on Windows 10 for desktop editions.
  • Windows 10 桌面版中的呼叫控制 API 支持。Support for Call Control APIs on Windows 10 for desktop editions.
  • GATT 服务器、蓝牙 LE 外设支持和蓝牙 LE 的非配对支持。Support for GATT Server, Bluetooth LE Peripheral and non-paired support for Bluetooth LE. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅开发人员文章See our developer post for more details.

有关蓝牙新增功能的详细信息,请参阅蓝牙蓝牙 LE 预配对For more information about what's new for Bluetooth, see Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE pre-pairing.


下面是 Windows 10 版本 1703 中相机驱动程序开发的更新列表:The following is a list of updates to Camera driver development in Windows 10, version 1703:

Windows 内核Windows kernel

Windows 内核模式进程和线程管理器 - 从 Windows 10 版本 1703 开始,适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL) 可让用户在 Windows 上连同其他 Windows 应用程序一起运行本机 Linux ELF64 二进制文件。Windows Kernel-Mode Process and Thread Manager - Starting in Windows 10 version 1703, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) enables a user to run native Linux ELF64 binaries on Windows, alongside other Windows applications. 有关 WSL 体系结构以及运行二进制文件所需的用户模式和内核模式组件的详细信息,请参阅适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统博客中的文章。For more information about WSL architecture and the user-mode and kernel-mode components that are required to run the binaries, see the posts on the Windows Subsystem for Linux blog.

移动宽带Mobile broadband

移动宽带 (MB) 的更新包括改进了 LTE 附加功能、支持多 SIM 操作、支持调制解调器中的预配上下文、支持特定吸收率平台,以及支持网络黑名单Updates to Mobile Broadband (MB) include improved LTE attach features, support for Multi-SIM Operations, support for provisioning contexts into the modem, support for the Specific Absorption Rate platform, and support for network blacklisting.

移动运营商方案 (MO) 的更新包括名为 COSA FAQ 的新数据库格式,可让 MO 预配 Windows 桌面 MB 设备。Updates to Mobile Operator Scenarios (MOs) include a new database format called COSA FAQ, for MOs to provision Windows Desktop MB devices. 有关其他更新,请参阅以下主题:See these topics for more updates:


Windows 10 版本 1703 中的网络驱动程序开发更新包括名为“流套接字”的新套接字类型,该类型支持 Windows 上的 Linux 网络应用程序。Updates to Networking driver development in Windows 10, version 1703 includes a new type of socket called Stream Sockets, which support Linux networking applications on Windows. 有关详细信息,请参阅 Winsock 内核See Winsock Kernel for more info. 新的函数和结构包括 WskConnectExWskListenWSK_CLIENT_STREAM_DISPATCHWSK_PROVIDER_STREAM_DISPATCHNew functions and structures include WskConnectEx, WskListen, WSK_CLIENT_STREAM_DISPATCH, and WSK_PROVIDER_STREAM_DISPATCH


下面是 Windows 10 版本 1703 中 POS 的新主题列表:The following is a list of new topics for POS in Windows 10, version 1703:

BarcodeSymbology 枚举有新的 Gs1DWCode 符号。There is a new Gs1DWCode symbology to the BarcodeSymbology enumeration.


Windows 10 版本 1703 提供新的类扩展 (UcmTcpciCx.sys) 用于支持通用串行总线类型 C 端口控制器接口规范。Windows 10 version 1703 provides a new class extension (UcmTcpciCx.sys) that supports the Universal Serial Bus Type-C Port Controller Interface Specification. USB 类型 C 连接器驱动程序不需要保留任何内部的 PD/类型 C 状态。A USB Type-C connector driver does not need to maintain any internal PD/Type-C state. 管理 USB C 型连接器和 USB 电源输送 (PD) 状态机时存在的复杂性由系统处理。The complexity of managing the USB Type-C connector and USB Power Delivery (PD) state machines is handled by the system. 你只需编写一个客户端驱动程序,以便通过该类扩展将硬件事件传送给系统即可。You only need to write a client driver that communicates hardware events to the system through the class extension. 有关详细信息,请参阅 USB 类型 C 控制器接口驱动程序类扩展参考For more information, see USB Type-C Controller Interface driver class extensions reference.

Windows 10 版本 1607 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1607

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本部分介绍 Windows 10 版本 1607 中驱动程序开发的新增功能和改进。This section describes new features and improvements for driver development in Windows 10, version 1607.


下面是 Windows 10 版本 1607 中音频驱动程序开发的新主题列表。The following is a list of new topics for Audio driver development in Windows 10, version 1607.


Windows 10 版本 1607 中的相机驱动程序开发包括新的和更新的主题,以支持 Windows Hello 和人脸身份验证:Camera driver development in Windows 10, version 1607 includes new and updated topics to support Windows Hello and face authentication:


Windows 10 版本 1607 中的定位驱动程序开发包括以下新的 GNSS 痕迹导航 DDI:Location driver development in Windows 10, version 1607 includes the following new GNSS Breadcrumb DDIs:

Windows 10 版本 1607 中的打印机驱动程序开发包括 JSConstraintsDebug,它是一个命令行工具,在开发 V4 打印机驱动程序时,可针对 JavaScript 约束提供调试支持。Printer driver development in Windows 10, version 1607 includes JSConstraintsDebug, a command-line tool that provides debugging support for JavaScript Constraints while developing a V4 printer driver.


在 Windows 10 版本 1607 中,为 WLAN 设备驱动程序接口 (WDI) 版本 1.0.21 提供了新的和更新的主题。In Windows 10, version 1607, there are new and updated topics for WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) version 1.0.21. 有关详细信息,请参阅 WDI 文档更改历史记录For details, see WDI doc change history.

Windows 10 版本 1507 中的新增功能What's new in Windows 10, version 1507

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本部分介绍 Windows 10 中驱动程序开发的新增功能和已更新的功能。This section describes new and updated features for driver development in Windows 10.


在 Windows 10 中,添加了新的 Microsoft 定义的蓝牙 HCI 扩展In Windows 10, new Microsoft-defined Bluetooth HCI extensions have been added.

总线和端口Buses and Ports

Windows 的基于 OneCoreUAP 的版本包含适用于简单外设总线 (SPB)(例如 I2C 和 SPI)以及 GPIO 的驱动程序编程接口和现成驱动程序。Driver programming interfaces and in-box drivers for Simple Peripheral Bus (SPB) such as I2C and SPI, and GPIO are part of OneCoreUAP-based editions of Windows. 这些驱动程序可在 Windows 10 桌面版、Windows 10 移动版和其他 Windows 10 版本上运行。Those drivers will run on both Windows 10 for desktop editions and Windows 10 Mobile, as well as other Windows 10 versions.


相机驱动程序 DDI 已融合到通用 Windows 驱动程序模型中,包括新的相机 DDIThe camera driver DDIs have converged into a Universal Windows driver model, including new camera DDIs. 其他功能包括:Additional features include:


Windows 10 的手机网络体系结构和实现已更新。Cellular architecture and implementation for Windows 10 has been updated.


Windows 8.1 和 Windows Phone 中的显示驱动程序模型已融合到 Windows 10 的统一模型。The display driver model from Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone have converged into a unified model for Windows 10.

实现了新的内存模型,可为每个 GPU 提供一个进程虚拟地址空间。A new memory model is implemented that gives each GPU a per-process virtual address space. 对于需要视频内存直接寻址的图形硬件,WDDMv2 仍然支持此寻址方式,但这种用例被视为已过时。Direct addressing of video memory is still supported by WDDMv2 for graphics hardware that requires it, but that is considered a legacy case. IHV 有望开发出支持虚拟寻址的新硬件。IHVs are expected to develop new hardware that supports virtual addressing. 为了支持这种新的内存模型,我们对 DDI 做了重大更改。Significant changes have been made to the DDI to enable this new memory model.

人机接口设备 (HID)Human Interface Device (HID)

新的虚拟 HID 框架 (VHF) 消除了编写内核模式传输微型驱动程序的需要。The new Virtual HID Framework (VHF) eliminates the need for writing a kernel-mode transport minidriver. 该框架包括 Microsoft 提供的静态库 (Vhfkm.lib),该库可公开驱动程序使用的编程元素。The framework comprises a Microsoft-provided static library (Vhfkm.lib) that exposes programming elements used by your driver. 此外,它还包括 Microsoft 提供的现成驱动程序 (Vhf.sys),该驱动程序可以枚举一个或多个子设备,并继续生成虚拟的人机接口设备 (HID) 树。It also includes a Microsoft-provided in-box driver (Vhf.sys) that enumerates one or more child devices and proceeds to build a virtual Human Interface Device (HID) tree.


全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS) 驱动程序 DDI 已融合到 GNSS 通用 Windows 驱动程序模型 (UMDF 2.0)。The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) driver DDIs have converged to a GNSS Universal Windows driver model (UMDF 2.0).

近场通信 (NFC)Near Field Communication (NFC)

NFC DDI 包含新的融合驱动程序模型用于支持移动和桌面解决方案。The NFC DDIs have a new converged driver model to support mobile and desktop solutions.

NFC 类扩展:推出了新的 NFC 类扩展驱动程序。NFC Class Extension: A new NFC class extension driver is available. 该 NFC 类扩展驱动程序实现 Windows 定义的所有 DDI,以便与 NFC 控制器、安全元素和远程 RF 终结点交互。The NFC class extension driver implements all of the Windows-defined DDIs to interact with the NFC controller, secure elements, and remote RF endpoints.


在现有的 NDIS 微型端口驱动程序模型中以扩展的形式推出了新的 PacketDirect 提供程序接口 (PDPI)The new PacketDirect Provider Interface (PDPI) is available as an extension to the existing NDIS miniport driver model. PDPI 提供一个 I/O 模型,可让应用程序管理自身的缓冲区、轮询处理器,以及直接管理通过微型端口适配器发送和接收数据包的操作。The PDPI provides an I/O model that allows applications to manage their own buffers, poll processors, and directly manage sending and receiving packets over a miniport adapter. 将这些功能相结合,应用程序可以完全控制其自身的上下文,从而大大提高每秒数据包 (pps) 的传输速率。The combination of these capabilities allow the application to completely control its own contexts leading to a much higher packet-per-second (pps) ratio.

已使用 v4 打印驱动程序改进和更改对打印驱动程序做了更新,以支持通过移动设备进行无线打印;更新的功能还包括:The print driver is updated with v4 Print driver improvements and changes to support wireless printing from mobile devices, as well as the following:

  • V4 驱动程序清单 – 提供有关对 v4 打印驱动程序清单所做的更改,以支持 PWG 光栅渲染筛选器的信息,包括更新的 DriverConfig 和 DriverRender 指令,以及更新的示例清单。V4 Driver Manifest – Provides information on changes to the v4 print driver manifest to support the PWG Raster rendering filter, including updated DriverConfig and DriverRender directives, and an updated example manifest.
  • WS-Discovery 移动打印支持 – 描述在 Windows 10 移动设备上通过 Windows 10 移动版兼容打印机进行移动打印所要满足的 WS-Discovery 要求。WS-Discovery Mobile Printing Support – Describes the WS-Discovery requirements to enable mobile printing from Windows 10 Mobile devices to Windows 10 Mobile compatible printers.
  • IXpsRasterizationFactory2 接口 – 支持使用 XPS 光栅化服务执行从 XPS 到 PWG 光栅的打印机内容转换。IXpsRasterizationFactory2 interface – Supports printer content conversion from XPS to PWG Raster using the XPS Rasterization Service. PWG 光栅支持非矩形 DPI。PWG Raster supports non-square DPIs.
  • 打印管道属性包 – 新的 PrintDeviceCapabilities 属性,可让 XPS 渲染筛选器从打印筛选管道属性包中检索新的 PrintDeviceCapabilities XML 文件。Print Pipeline Property Bag – New PrintDeviceCapabilities property to enable XPS rendering filters to retrieve the new PrintDeviceCapabilities XML files from the Print filter pipeline property bag.
  • GetWithArgument 请求和响应架构 – 使用 GetWithArgument 请求和响应双向通信架构的正式定义与示例提供移动打印支持。GetWithArgument Request and Response Schemas – Provides support for mobile printing with a formal definition and example for the GetWithArgument request and response bidirectional communications schemas.
  • IBidiSpl::SendRecv 方法 – 使用 GetWithArgument 双向架构值添加移动打印支持。IBidiSpl::SendRecv method – Adds support for mobile printing with the GetWithArgument bidirectional schema value.

智能卡Smart Card

在 Windows 10 中,新的类扩展模块 Wudfsmcclassext.dll 可以处理复杂的驱动程序操作。In Windows 10, there is a new class extension module, Wudfsmcclassext.dll, which handles complex driver operations. 特定于智能卡硬件的任务将由客户端驱动程序处理。Smart card hardware-specific tasks are handled by your client driver. 客户端驱动程序可以使用新的编程接口将有关智能卡的信息发送到该类扩展,使它可以处理请求。There are new programming interfaces that your client driver can use to send information about the card to the class extension so that it can process requests. 这些驱动程序编程接口包含在 Windows 的基于 OneCoreUAP 的版本中。Those driver programming interfaces are part of OneCoreUAP-based editions of Windows.


在 Windows 10 中,已添加新的特定于协议的接口,使应用能够使用其本机设备协议来与存储设备通信。In Windows 10, new protocol-specific interfaces have been added to allow apps to talk with storage devices using their native device protocol. 这些更新包括:These updates include:

  • 存储协议直通 – 更新的存储直通 IOCTL 接口支持较新的协议,包括非易失性快速存储器 (NVMe)。Storage protocol pass through – The updated storage pass through IOCTL interface supports newer protocols including non-volatile memory express (NVMe).
  • 扩展的存储查询接口 – 扩展的存储查询接口可让应用程序查询协议相关的信息。Expanded storage query interfaces – The expanded storage query interface allows applications to query protocol-dependent information.

系统提供的驱动程序接口System-Supplied Driver Interfaces

GUID_DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD 接口定义功能驱动程序尝试重置和恢复有故障设备的标准方式。The GUID_DEVICE_RESET_INTERFACE_STANDARD interface defines a standard way for function drivers to attempt to reset and recover a malfunctioning device.


下面是 Windows 10 中 USB 的新增功能。Here are the new features for USB in Windows 10. 有关详细信息,请参阅 Windows 10:USB 的新增功能For more information, see Windows 10: What's new for USB.


WDI(WLAN 设备驱动程序接口)是一个新的 WLAN 通用 Windows 驱动程序模型,可在 Windows 10 桌面版和 Windows 10 移动版上融合 WLAN 驱动程序。WDI (WLAN Device Driver Interface) is a new WLAN Universal Windows driver model that converges the WLAN drivers on Windows 10 for desktop editions and Windows 10 Mobile.

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已弃用的功能Deprecated features

下表描述了 Windows 10 中已删除的 Windows 驱动程序开发功能。The following table describes Windows driver development features that have been removed in Windows 10.

驱动程序技术Driver technology 功能Feature 弃用该功能的版本Deprecated in
GNSS/定位GNSS/Location Windows 8.1 的地理位置驱动程序示例和相关文档Geolocation driver sample for Windows 8.1 and related documentation Windows 10 版本 1709Windows 10, version 1709
移动运营商方案(网络)Mobile Operator Scenarios (Networking) AllowStandardUserPinUnlockAllowStandardUserPinUnlock Windows 10 版本 1709Windows 10, version 1709
扫描/成像Scan/Image WSD(设备 Web 服务)质询器功能和相关文档WSD (Web Services for Devices) Challenger functionality and related documentation Windows 10 版本 1709Windows 10, version 1709
移动运营商Mobile Operators 由于 MO UWP APPS 和 COSA 的推出,包含 Sysdev 元数据包的移动宽带应用体验已弃用。Mobile broadband app experience apps with Sysdev metadata packages are deprecated in favor of MO UWP APPS and COSA. Windows 10 版本 1803Windows 10, version 1803