We will only ask for data that help our products delight you. We'll only ask for the minimum data we need, depending on the products and services you use. If you don't want to share your data, some of our products may not work, or work as well. Here is some information we might request:
- Your contact information, including name, email address, phone number, and shipping address, so that we can contact you or ship items you have requested;
- Your birthdate so we can verify age;
- Your geographic region, including the city and state/province in which you reside, so we can comply with local laws;
- Your device and network configuration, software for gaming and usage, and system performance so we can optimize your gaming hardware and software.
Additional data collection can help us improve our products for gamers everywhere. To help us provide the very best experiences for you and gamers everywhere, we'd like to collect some additional information about your gaming system and its performance. But we won't collect anything unless you tell us it's okay. This additional data includes:
- Your device or network's technical information so we can find problems with certain devices and configurations;
- Your error data so we can learn about the errors and fix them;
- Your crash data so we can find and fix bugs.
We may analyze the data we've collected based on our interests in business forecasting and new product development. And, if you consent, we may use this data to identify certain audiences, including you, to receive games, apps, rewards, or relevant advertising.